wearable art
Blossom Pop
A collaboration between Luna, Sarah and Laura.
Photography by Laura Du Vé.

Tears of The Nudibranch
Received third place in the Illumination Illusion: Float, Fly, Flow section of the World of Wearable Art Awards (WOW), Wellington, NZ 2017
Tears of the Nudibranch is a heartfelt homage to the Great Barrier Reef. A response to the catastrophic environmental disaster that was the worst, mass bleaching event in the reefs history in 2016-2017. With intricate and experimental textile manipulation, and organic fabric creations we have created a spine tingling memorial to the Great Barrier Reef, depicting the bleaching of the reef with the transformation of the costume from neon coral to bleached coral.
Photography by Theresa Harrison.

THE stitch WITCH
Winner of the International Design Award for Australia and the South Pacific, World Of Wearable Art Awards, Wellington, NZ 2015
Created entirely from salvaged lycra scraps and detritus from their shared studio, the Stitch Witch is the embodiment of that deep place of inspiration that comes when creating and crafting.

Sarah Worked at A Blanck Canvas from 2018-2021, and Luna joined the team from 2019-2021. They both worked in the sculptural fabrication department on many large projects including Moomba Parade, National Day 48 - Abu Dhabi, World Expo 2019-2021, and Blueys Big Play 2020-2021.
Founded in 2013, A Blanck Canvas is a multidisciplinary creative company that encourages social change. Specialising in large-scale roving puppets, props, sets and site-specific illuminated installations for film, theatre and major events.
Photography by Luna Aquatica and Sarah Seahorse.