Luna Aquatica and Sarah Seahorse are hyper-coloured award-winning wearable artists & community workshop facilitators who believe that creativity and self-expression are incredibly powerful tools for social change and personal empowerment. Sarah and Luna have been friends and artistic collaborators for more than a decade.
Photography by Laura Du Vé
Their work holds at its core a deep appreciation for human and environmental
symbiosis. They work mostly with recycled and repurposed materials, and facilitate engaging wearable art workshops with a strong collaborative focus. For over a decade Luna and Sarah have used recycled media and found objects to create fantastical displays of wearable art, innovative costuming, millinery, large scale soft fabrication, body puppetry and provocative performance.
Luna and Sarah are two-time award winners at the international World of Wearable Art Awards.
Between them, Luna and Sarah hold degrees in Youth work and Community
Development, Community Theatre and Costume Design and have vast experience in community art making and the costume and theatre industries.
They have been teaching workshops in Naarm in wearable art, textile art, embellishment, costume, millinery, sewing skills, pattern-making and wearable technology. Their clients include Melbourne City Libraries, Signal Arts, Darebin Youth Services and many more. Aiming to create spaces where people have the opportunity to take part in creative and expressive artistic activities outside of formal education, they believe that wearable art is the perfect medium for telling important personal stories and expressing complex ideas, especially in a collaborative or group context.
Luna-Sea Studio CV

Photographer: Laura Du Vé

Photographer: Laura Du Vé